Right now, we have a senior little Iggy mix Maui in Houston. She has severe periodontal disease for which she has already had one surgery, and is a high heartworm positive so is about to begin HW treatment. In Tulsa, we have a megaesophagus dog who needs special food and hand feeding. IN St. Louis, senior Jarvis is having his eye removed on Monday because he has a tumor, and Denny in PA has had surgeries for hemangiosarcoma and other as yet identified lumps.
In addition, there are Iggy puppies at risk at auction next week, and this weekend, we are helping facilitate the closing of a puppy mill in Locust Grove, OK. We are taking one of the dogs, and IGCA and TIGR are taking the rest.
So, the hits keep coming.
For every $20 donation, you get one chance at a custom made, OOAK quilt. I will work with you to design. If we make our $3500.00 goal, I will pull three chances.