Take a Walk on The Wild Side!

As you know, it’s been a quiet year for Hazeljane’s. The fosters we’ve gotten in have had places waiting for them. We are still caring for the elders in our care. Blood tests, special diets and dentals are continuing.

It’s been a while since we had a quilt raffle. And this quilt is unlike any I’ve made. It’s a huge king (92” x102”) quilt. It’s quilted in the style of a vintage bedspread, the shapes of the flowers being quilted to pop out. It also has two battings, a cotton/bamboo and a lightweight wool to give it the puff. Front and back both designer fabrics by Anna Maria Horner and Moda respectively.

All donations via PayPal or Facebook are automatically entered to win.

$10 = 1 chance
$20 = 3 chances
$50= 7 chances
$75 = 15 chances
$100= 20 chances

Drawing 11/2/20 5 p.m. eastern time. 

Hazeljane’s Blessings is501(c) 3 federal charity, so donations made are tax-deductible.Remember, Christmas is coming!If you’d prefer to send an old school check, contact me at hazeljane13@gmail.

Ashley Weddle